writing From Intention
to Action:
to Action:
Neuro-Friendly Journaling to Support Your Goals
with Anne Elrod Whitney
Neuro-Friendly Journaling to Support Your Goals
with Anne Elrod Whitney
All prices in USD
Anne Elrod Whitney is a writer and educator. She is the author of books including Inkwell and Teaching Writers to Reflect, and she is the owner of Write On, State! as well as Professor of Education at the Pennsylvania State University.
A native Texan and lover of hot weather, Anne inexplicably now lives in central Pennsylvania with her two children, two parakeets, and piles and piles of books. When not writing, she can be found learning the piano and ukelele as an adult beginner, singing in local choirs or in the shower, overcommitting to projects that sound fun but are then overwhelming, or reading next to a body of water (whether it’s the ocean or the neighborhood pool).
Learn more about Anne and get on her mailing list at https://anneelrodwhitney.com/.